What’s the best way to starve yourself for success and not settle?


It is important to note that intentionally starving oneself is not a healthy or sustainable way to achieve success or to avoid settling in life. Malnutrition can have serious negative impacts on physical and mental health, and it is not an effective way to reach goals or achieve success.

Instead of trying to starve oneself for success, there are healthier and more sustainable ways to work towards one’s goals and avoid settling for less than one’s potential. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Set clear goals and make a plan: Having clear goals and a plan for how to achieve them can help to keep you motivated and focused on what you want to accomplish. It is important to be realistic and set goals that are challenging but achievable and to break them down into smaller, more manageable steps.
  2. Seek support and accountability: Surrounding yourself with supportive people who can offer encouragement and accountability can help you stay on track and achieve your goals. Consider finding a mentor or joining a support group or community of like-minded individuals who can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  3. Stay healthy and take care of yourself: Proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care are important for maintaining physical and mental health and for staying focused and motivated. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being.
  4. Keep learning and growing: Staying open to new ideas and opportunities can help you avoid settling and continue to grow and learn. Consider taking on new challenges, learning new skills, and seeking out new experiences that can help you grow and develop as a person.

By following these tips, you can work towards your goals and avoid settling in a healthy and sustainable way. Remember that success is not about depriving oneself or making sacrifices, but about finding balance and making positive choices that support your well-being and personal growth.

Also read: Success doesn’t require speed. It requests slowness.


It is not healthy or advisable to try to starve oneself in an attempt to achieve success or avoid settling for less than one’s goals. Starving oneself, or engaging in extreme calorie restriction, can have serious negative impacts on both physical and mental health.

Instead of trying to starve oneself, it is important to focus on finding healthy and sustainable ways to pursue one’s goals and avoid settling for less than what one desires.

One way to pursue success without resorting to unhealthy behaviors is to set clear and specific goals for oneself. This can help to provide direction and motivation in one’s endeavors and can make it easier to stay focused and avoid settling for less than one’s aspirations.

It is important to remember that success often requires hard work, persistence, and patience and that it is often achieved through a series of small steps rather than through one dramatic leap.

Another way to avoid settling for less than one’s goals is to surround oneself with supportive and encouraging people. This can include friends, family members, mentors, or other individuals who can provide guidance and encouragement as one works towards one’s goals.

These supportive relationships can help to provide motivation and a sense of accountability, which can be essential in helping one to avoid settling for less than one’s aspirations.

In addition to setting goals and surrounding oneself with supportive people, it is also important to take care of one’s physical and mental health. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced and nourishing diet, and engaging in regular physical activity.

These healthy habits can help to provide the energy and clarity of mind needed to pursue one’s goals effectively and avoid settling for less than one’s aspirations.

In summary, the best way to starve oneself for success and not settle is to focus on setting clear and specific goals, surround oneself with supportive people, and take care of one’s physical and mental health.

These strategies can help to provide the motivation and resources needed to pursue one’s goals and avoid settling for less than one’s aspirations.

Read More: What are the straight facts behind successful people?

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Shark Mystery: 15 rare shark in the oceans

The ocean is deep and strange and sometimes full of teeth. We’ve all heard of Jaws, the most famous great white shark in history.
But did you know there are around 500 species of shark and that some of them are either rare, super weird or both?
From the ancient monster with a mouse like a buzzsaw to the modern era giant which lives more than 500 years here’s the 15 most rare shark species hidden in the ocean.

01: helicopteron shark.

The helicopteron is one massive predator that we no longer have to worry about while out doing a little swimming in the coastal waters.This giant went extinct around 250,000,000 years ago.The fossil records, including some important recent discoveries, have allowed scientists to put together a fascinating picture of the helicopteron.

An example found in Idaho led to researchers concluding that the huge fish could grow to as much as 40ft or 12 meters. That’s twice the size of the great white.

Another fascinating aspect of the helicopter is the formation of its teeth and jaw.And it’s just this which has given it the nickname the buzzsaw shark.

The wall of teeth resembling a buzzsaw was a mystery for many years as attempts were made to construct the creature from these few remains and the wall was placed in a variety of positions on the fish’s body before, finally, in 2013, they decided once and for all. It was a bizarre protrusion from the lower jaw which allowed this species to catch and eat prey more easily.

Furthermore, they were able to conclude that the helicopter was a kind of ratfish rather than a shark although they are close relatives. But this rat shark monster, whatever it was turns out to have been the biggest and most successful predator of the during its lifetime as well as one crazy looking fish.

02: Greenland shark.

Here’s another pretty damn huge fish the Greenland shark. Although modern sharks can’t compete to their ancient ancestors in terms of size, these sharks, who mainly inhabit the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, can still grow to around around 22ft or 7 meters in length. The average size of a mature adult is more like 13ft or 4 meters.

And this full size is achieved at around age 150. That’s right. These sharks only reach adulthood at 150 years old. That means that parent Greenland sharks today have had to put up with teenagers since the American Civil War. 4.9s In fact, radiocarbon dating from the eye lenses of some individuals has placed their age at least 500 years old. That makes this the oldest vertebrate species on Earth.

Think about that. There are sharks in our seas right now who were born at a time when King Henry VIII was on the throne of England and the Spanish were still at war with the Aztecs in Mexico.
Although the Greenland sharks live far from humans, they are now a near threatened species, often accidentally caught in trawler nets. Let’s hope these sharks get the chance to fulfill their incredible longevity more often.

03: whale shark.

Keeping on the theme of huge size, here S, a champion fish, the largest fish in the world still alive today, the whale shark.

The name might be confusing to some, but these giants are definitely sharks and not mammals, although some of their behavior can resemble that of whales. For a start, their size is certainly whalelike, and they tend to grow to around 40ft or 12 meters in length, which is as long as a school bus, and their mouths are around 5ft or one 5 meters wide.

These huge mouths help whale sharks with filter feeding. This pretty much means opening that face hole as wide as possible and letting water pass through the body with internal organs, picking up any morsels of food. This makes whale sharks a little less aggressive than their predatory cousins.

Whale sharks can live pretty much anywhere in the world where the waters don’t get too cold, and they seem to particularly enjoy the Red Sea, where the normally solitary creatures sometimes gather to feed.

These sharks live a pretty long time, too, up to 150 years, although the chances of seeing one in the wild are pretty slim these days, with their population declining by almost 65% since the 1950s, making these spectacular giants both fascinating and extremely rare.

04: Megamouth shark.

The megamouth shark. Can you see where this one is going? There’s a clue in the name right there.

This shark has, you guessed it, a really big mouth.  Similar to the whale shark, the Megamouth is a filter feeder, and in fact, the two species are closely related, with the Megamouth being a little smaller.

However, that mouth is up there with the best of them, giving it a characteristic gaping look, which, while kind of terrifying, is only designed to catch small stuff.

Where the Megamouth stands out is its incredible rarity. These sharks are so mysterious, we hardly know anything about them. And in spite of its size, we only discovered their existence as recently as 1976. Overall sightings amount to barely 60 encounters.

Since these giants prefer to live in the deepest oceans without increased trawling of the deep seas, for new fish species to be marketed as human food, we may never have known of these sharks, but unfortunately it is the same trawling which destroys them as we discover them.

With many of the Mega mouths we have been able to study, having turned up dead nets. Hopefully we can unlock the mysteries of the behaviors and lives of the Megamouth without disrupting their natural environment One day.

05: Bamboo shark.

From the giants of the shark species we go to one of the smallest the bamboo shark.  This shark is also sometimes known as the cat shark due to its long whiskers which function as a sensory gland and it helps to navigate the ocean floor as well as pick up the movements of predators and prey.

These sharks can sometimes grow to 3ft or a meter long and are a form of carpet shark, that is sharks that swim slowly around the ocean floor looking for morsels of food to eat.

They themselves are a delicacy in Madagascar and their habitat ranges all across the coastal waters of the Indian Ocean. While not the rarest sharks out there, their bamboo coloring certainly makes them tricky to spot on the ocean floor.

They have special teeth which they can rotate in their mouths, one side being sharp and pointed for tearing into softer forms of prey, while the other side is flatter and adapted for chewing onshelled prey while protecting the sharp part of the tooth from damage.

This is one shark you could get to know yourself as they are popular additions to home aquarium. That said, this shark is sometimes capable of virgin birth where females produced young without ever having made it. So if you happen to purchase a single female bamboo shark, you might end up with a few more mouths to feed than you had bargained for with this miraculous little shark.

06: Frilled shark.

Here’s one shark that looks like it just gave up on evolving, feeling pretty happy with its utterly terrifying prehistoric features.  The beady green eyes and crinkly brown skin are just some of the features which make this look like a living fossil.

And it also swims like a snake, waving its body through the water until it encounters its favorite prey squid, which it snaps up and often swallows. All its rows of sharp needlelike teeth are ideal for tearing apart softbodied squid, but it will happily eat other fish and sharks if they come close enough.

Finally, the gills have a kind of Frilled shape, which gives the shark its name as well as the look of a 16th century courtier. Well, kind of. These sharks are mysterious and rare, living deep in the ocean, and we know little about them. Our best guess is that they are one of the rarest shark species on Earth, although whether they are endangered is unknown.

Unlike some sharks, the frilled shark gives birth to live young, with the young hatching from their eggs in the mother and then surviving on the yoke for up to 3.5 years, making it one of the longest gestation periods of any vertebrae.

07: Goblin Shark.

If you’ve ever seen the old scifi horror movie Alien, you’ll know that the most terrifying thing in all of space is the Xenomorph, the eponymous alien of the film designed by Swiss artist H. R. Geiger with one intention to scare the living daylights out of you.

One feature most people remember from the Xenomorph is that when it opens its mouth, another mouth creeps out to finish sucking the brains out of its victim. While you don’t have to go to outer space to find such a creature as there’s one right here in our oceans the goblin shark.

These sharks live down onto the ocean floor, most often in the seas around Japan, and are named for their resemblance to the terrifying goblins of Japanese folklore. They can grow up to 12ft or 4 meters in length and are colored an unusual pink just to add to their charm.

They are extremely rare, and we have only been able to study the few examples which have occasionally shown up in fishing nets. But their most striking feature is their extendable jaw.

They have extra long noses which make detecting prey easier, but at the same time, the little fish and mollusks which form their diet that extra split second to get away before the shark’s mouth can react. Except the goblin shark can thrust its jaws out of its mouth to trap its prey in truly horrifying fat. Truly, nature is sometimes just jaw dropping.


08: Nurse shark.

The nurse shark is definitely not the rarest shark on our list. In fact, these sharks remain quite abundant in their natural habitat, which is the bottom of the sea in shallow, warm waters of the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic.

Their names comes from the old English word meaning bottomdwelling shark hearse, which over time became nurse, and they do make a strange sucking sound as they go about their business feeding on the ocean floor. Not unlike that of a nursing baby, they are slowmoving and not particularly dangerous to humans. Although at up to 14ft in length, that’s four 2 meters. They are impressive giants.

Some divers have discovered that the smaller ones can even be extremely friendly to humans, stopping to be petted and dropped and seeming to enjoy the attention like the puppy dogs of the ocean floor.

That said, an angry nurse shark will give a diver a pretty nasty bite if it feels like it, so maybe not best to get too friendly. They are prized for their skins, which, being unusually smooth, make high quality leather and the oil produced by their large livers. While under pressure from human activity, we can at least expect nurse sharks to prosper in the wild for some time yet.

09: Angular, Roughshark.

This little shark, which lives down on the muddy seabed off the coasts of Europe and Africa, is both rare and vulnerable, and it looks a little like a tiny sailboat with its large protruding fins, as well as a body which has a kind of triangular shape to it.

Like other bottom dwelling sharks, the angular, rough shark breathes through spiracles behind its eyes. And on this shark they happen to be particularly large, giving these guys a little bit of the crazy eyes look.

Maybe this is the reason behind one of the the myths associated with the angular upshark that it brings bad luck to fishermen for this reason, and that it has no commercial value, fishermen do their best to avoid catching these sharks.

Furthermore, unlike a lot of sharks, even being caught for a short time seems to be fatal. And there are no cases of accidental catches being thrown back and surviving. They were thought to have gone extinct in the Adriatic Sea, but recent sightings have given hope of a comeback. Good news for sharks, but bad news for superstitious fishermen.

10: Thresher shark.

The Thresher shark is one of the most fascinating species of shark in our oceans. A close relative of the great white shark, this species has one very distinctive feature it’s enormous tail.

The tail on a thresher shark can be almost as long as the shark itself. And one of its benefits is that it gives this species a huge speed advantage, making it one of the fastest sharks in the sea. Capable of swimming at speeds up to 30 mph or 50 km h.

The name Thresher comes from the farming tools that resemble the huge shark tails, and it was long assumed that the tails were used for hunting. But it was not until 2010 that the technique was finally observed. It had been believed thresher sharks lashed the tail from side to side to stun prey like sardines.

But in fact, the shark arrives in a shoal at huge speed, then uses its fins to slam on the brakes before launching the tail over its head like a huge whip, killing and stunning several fish at once, which can be eaten at leisure. And you thought it was the front of the shark you had to watch out for.

Thresher sharks are one of the rare species of sharks that have warm blood, which gives them extra speed and agility, and they have a long history with humans. First described by Aristotle and ancient Greece, they have been at the center of many myths and folklore traditions of the sea. Watch out for that scorpionlike tale, though.

11: Hammerhead Shark.

Hammerhead Shark  one of the most recognizable sharks in our oceans is the charismatic hammerhead shark, with its enormous hammershaped head. There are in fact ten different species of hammerhead, with the biggest being the great hammerhead, which can grow up to 18ft or five points meters and weigh in at one £0 or 450 kilos.

The chances of meeting one of these monsters are slim, though, as the great hammerhead is in danger of extinction.

Being overfished forts fins which are eaten as soup in some parts of the world. The hammerhead shape gives the shark a hunting advantage, it is believed, as it allows the shark to carry more of the cells that allow it to sense the electromagnetic fields of its prey, giving it far better electromagnetic vision than other species.

These sharks are also known to spend a lot of their time swimming sideways, which allows for more efficient swimming. And one species is the only omnivore shark known to science, enjoying seaweed snacks along with its main diet of meat. Finally, these sharks get tanned from the sun and seem to have properties in their skin which resist cancer, helping us to understand skin cancer better.


12: The angel shark.

Another incredible species of shark four angel shark. The angel shark is like no other shark. In fact, it’s easily mistaken for a ray. Due to its flat body. These bottom feeders prefer to lurk beneath the sandy seabed, waiting for unsuspecting prey to come just that little bit too close before their incredible strike speed sees them shoot out of COVID at a 90 degree angle to grab their meal in a jaw full of sharp teeth.

Most sharks have to constantly move to be able to breathe, allowing the water to flow through their bodies to get enough oxygen in. But the angel shark hunting style means it spends a lot of time lying still, so it has spiracles on the top of its head which pump water through its body, allowing it to breathe while motionless.

These sharks there are in fact 15 species of angel shark like to live near coral reefs in the oceans surrounding the Americas. And luckily, most of the nations in North America have now banned the fishing of this near endangered species. So we can hope to see a recovery of the angel shark, sometimes paradoxically known as a sand devil. Population angel or devil, that can only be good news.

13: Horn shark.


The horn shark, as you might have guessed from its name, has a pretty unusual appearance, with its most prominent feature being two rigid horns over each of its eyes. They also have two spines sticking out from their backs, kind of like an old TV antennae. These small sharks live off the Pacific coast of North America and have a somewhat lazy air about them.

They don’t like to swim much, preferring to shuffle along the seabed pushed by their fins. And in fact, the longest recorded distance a horn shark has been known to travel is about 10 miles, or 16 km. They might have called this the sloth shark. However, they are still predators and know how to catch a meal when they need one, and they largely hunt at night.

But they too are sometimes the hunted and our friend, the angel. Shark has been observed attempting to eat a horn shark only to spit it out after getting a nasty sting from one of the spines. So, being popular off the coast of Mexico, you might say this is one hot and spicy shark.

14: Basking shark.

Basking shark is the second biggest shark in the oceans, after the whale shark, and this giant can be found in warm, temperate coastal waters all over the world. Basking sharks are plankton eaters, just like their whale shark cousins, and they glide through the ocean with that huge mouth wide open to filter out the tiny sea creatures as they pass through.

These sharks have figured in the mythology of many countries, especially Britain and Japan, and this tradition has included even recent myth creations where the rotten carcasses of basking sharks known as globsters washing up on British and Japanese beaches have been believed to be those of ancient placiosaur or sea monsters unknown to humanity.

Furthermore, these slowmoving and nonaggressive sharks have long been popular sources of oil, food and leather, but the species is now endangered and protected in many countries.

The basking shark might also have been popular with fishermen due to having the smallest size to brain ratio of any shark, meaning they’re probably a little on the slow witted side, certainly not the Einstein of the shark world.

The smallest shark out there? Well, it’s one that the basking shark is sometimes mistaken for the great white shark.

Read : 

15: Saw shark.

Back on the list of crazy looking sharks that might belong in some kind of weird underwater carpentry kit along with the hammerhead, we have the saw shark.

This shark looks like it was designed by a high school kid with a vivid imagination, but it is 100% real and living out there in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, there are, in fact now eight different species of saw shark recognized by science, with the most recent discovery coming in 2014 when a new species was identified near the Philippines.

These strangelooking creatures have their teeth protruding all along a flattened snout, which can make up almost onequarter of their body length. The snouts are used for hunting and defense, as well as helping the sharks to detect electromagnetic signals coming from their prey.

They pick up a signal and then use their snouts to dig up food from under the sandy seabed before song them to death and then eating whatever poor unfortunate mollusk happened to be sleeping there. Although they look terrifying, they are not considered dangerous to humans, mainly because they live so far from us and are extremely rare animals.

There’s only one fatal saw shark attack on record. Although rare, luckily these sharks are not considered under threat from humans living far away from our fishing areas. Which of these sharks do you think was the most incredible? What kind of random masonry tool type shark head do you think evolution will throw up next? Let us know in the comments below.

Also, Thanks for reading.

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How to make the most of the time of day in an easy way?

Today I will give the dialogue of the movie. There is an English word in South India – Rowdy. This is almost unheard of in England and America. This word means – rowdy, hooligan, etc.

Dialogue from that movie, translated into English, reads like this:

To live a hundred years, it will not take a hundred years. Do something in one day, so that people remember you for a hundred years.

Yes, this is the best way to use time. Do something that people remember. Just one job, to be done so well, that people remember it for hundreds of years.

Let’s see how long it takes to do a job well.

  • Steve Jobs, the founder of the Apple company, and creator of the iPhone lived to be only 56 years old.
  • The most famous modern star, Michael Jackson lived only 53 years.
  • Bruce Lee’s name comes to mind when talking about kung fu karate, etc. He died of illness at the age of 32.

History has seen such famous people. Now look at the living people

  • Google founder Larry is 49 years old.
  • Facebook founder Mark is 37 years old
  • QUORA founder Adam is 37 years old

It turns out, the way to make the most of time is to do something, and do it so well, that people will remember you for ages.

Now let’s find out easy ways to find more time in a day!

Most of us struggle to find an extra minute or two in our day for anything. With today’s fast-paced lifestyles, things like spending time with family and resting can often fall by the wayside. But even with a mountain of responsibilities, sneaky time-saving tricks still exist that help you create more time for the things that really matter.

Here are a few simple time-saving tips that you can start practicing today, and thank us for later.

Make some schedules.

Just because you can technically fit it into your schedule doesn’t mean you always should. How many chores your kids are allowed to do after school, how many evenings a week you want to go out, how many committees you’re comfortable joining right now – set a limit before all the initiations and requests flood in.

In a busy life, if things aren’t scheduled, they often don’t happen. So schedule doing nothing as a time to rest and relax. Treat that time like any other planned activity you commit to and stick to it. While kids want to do many after-school activities and it can be challenging to say no, spending quality time with family and keeping calm, healthy parents is just as important as developing athletic and creative skills and hobbies.

Have a plan, and stick to it.

Keep a weekly list of common tasks. Whether it’s admin, cleaning, or chores, (or all three!) having regular weekly allocations for specific tasks will help get them done as well as ensure things never get too busy. For example, mark Monday as banking and laundry day, and Tuesday as filing and grocery shopping day.

Identify your personal “productivity prime time”.

We all have a certain time of our day when we are most efficient. (For most people, that’s between 8 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., but that’s not necessarily the case for you.) Use these hours for the most challenging tasks you have to do that day. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, it could be your child’s nap time or TV time.

Get ready as soon as you wake up.

Make your “to-do” list the night before so that when you wake up the next day, you can get cracking right away. This will encourage productivity and a sense of accomplishment early in the day – which will help keep you motivated.

Reduce Travel Time.

One of the top five common traits shared by the world’s happiest people is that they live close to work As a result, they have more free time to spend on the things that matter to them rather than spending an extra two hours a day sitting in traffic. Whether it’s for school or work or dropping the kids off at their daily activities, take a look at what your daily routine is and see where you can spend less time spent traveling.

While two hours a day, or even 1 hour, may not seem like much, it’s a daily occurrence, and it adds up fast. A two-hour commute a day adds up to ten hours a week and about 43 hours a month. That’s about two full days a month spent commuting—the equivalent of an extra weekend. How happy would you be if you enjoyed one extra weekend every month?

Learn to love the word “No”:

As clichéd as it is, it’s equally true – especially for full-time mothers. Just because people ask you to run errands for them, watch their kids, volunteer, host events, and/or anything and everything else, doesn’t mean you have to say yes! This brings us directly to the tip; “Schedule something”. When your “do nothing” time and your planned activities have maxed out all the space on your calendar, you have no time left to agree to anything else.

That’s not to say it’s never going to be an option, but you should wait until there’s time in your schedule for it. This will help you manage any potential feelings of guilt, while again avoiding falling into the “over-committed” trap.


As I write on Islamic subjects, I have little acquaintance with some. They will be a bit disappointed. Because, in this article, only media-related people are mentioned. For those readers……

Bukhari Hadith Collection Complete Book, Write All Volumes. How to write? Write down each line carefully. See how long it takes. It will take a few years.

Now imagine, there is no such thing as a Bukhari hadith collection. You will write such a hadith collection yourself. How to write? Collect hadiths from different people. If so, how many years will it take to collect and write so many hadiths? It may take 70-80 years.

Now imagine, the internet, mobile, etc. were not invented. How many years will it take to collect and write so many hadiths? If there are no cars, planes, etc., how many years will it take to order from different places?

Muhammad Bukhari, the author of the Bukhari Hadith Collection, was born in 810. There was nothing at that time. Such an extensive collection, collected and written in that era, should take 700-800 years to complete. Muhammad Bukhari lived for 60 years.

Muhammad Bukhari’s words have to be explained. However, nothing should be implied about the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) because you all know. What Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did in just 23 years, people like us will not be able to do in a thousand years.

All this is possible – because of Allah’s blessings and mercy. The media persons I mentioned, though non-Muslims have been blessed by Allah. That’s why they can do it. You also pray. Repeatedly pray to Allah for blessings and mercy. By God’s grace, you too can do such a wonderful thing.

Thank you, If you learned something new then please share it with your friends and family. Also, Follow Us on Facebook & See our videos on YouTube

Some basic business skills that everyone should know

Success at work is not always determined by how smart you are, how qualified you are, or even how hard you work.
While these traits are important, the real determinants of success are Communication Skills, Financial Accounting Skills, Delegation, Business Management Skills, Decision Making Skills, Strategic Planning Skills, Leadership, Sales & Marketing Skills, Emotional Intelligence Skills, and Organization Skills.
Experience will help you get a job, but your career will stagnate without developing your business skills. Most important to work here.

Here are some essential skills (other than technical skills) that you need to learn or import to help you succeed in business:

1-Communication Skills

Communication is an important aspect of life that is frequently overlooked. Almost everything you do, when you think about it, necessitates improved communication. To be successful in business, you must be able to communicate effectively. When it comes to hiring a new employee, having good communication skills can help you find the right person. When communicating with your various stakeholders, you must be clear about your expectations and sensitive to problems. The key is to understand how to communicate your vision with passion and conviction.

2 Financial Accounting Skills

Accounting knowledge can be useful in your career even if you are not in a numbers-oriented position. While it may appear to be a daunting subject, it is far more approachable than you might think.

Cash flow and profitability are useful concepts to understand your organization’s performance and potential. And knowing how to read and interpret a balance sheet is essential for effectively communicating financial results.

3 Delegation Skills

Delegation entails delegating responsibility for the completion of work to others. The ideal position for you to obtain is one in which your staff handles all of your company’s routine activities. Effective delegation entails striking the right balance between effective controls and allowing people to do their jobs efficiently. The key is to understand how to make your business work for you rather than you working for your business!

4 Business Management Skills

Organizational performance is inextricably linked to strong managerial skills. According to a recent Gallup study, managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement, emphasizing the importance of companies developing leaders who can drive team productivity and morale.

Knowing how to lead meetings and communicate organizational change is useful for both seasoned and aspiring managers. It’s also important to be aware of the common blunders that team leaders make.

5 Decision-Making Skills

To navigate the complex challenges of the workplace, all professionals must have strong decision-making skills. The need for these skills is even greater for those working in business or management.

Determining how to allocate resources, which employees comprise a team, and how to roll out a new initiative across an organization are all decisions that must be carefully considered. Managers can fuel their processes with valuable insights to make data-driven decisions, often leading to better outcomes, thanks to the growing number of tools and resources that can be used to capture data.

6 Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an essential business activity. Strategic planning is the process of defining your company’s strategy or direction and making decisions on capital and human resource allocations. The key is to understand how to forecast your company’s future performance over a three-to-five-year period or longer, supported by a well-defined business plan.

7 Leadership Skills

Leadership is the process of getting things done by other people. Leadership is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal, which is a critical management skill. The ability to take charge, assemble, mobilize, and motivate teams is also part of leadership. The key is to understand how to establish long-term relationships with prospects, customers, suppliers, employees, and investors.

8 Sales and Marketing Skills

Establishing successful sales and marketing methods and policies, from pricing and advertising to sales techniques, is critical to the growth of your business. The ability to analyze your competition, the market, and industry trends is critical for developing your marketing strategy. The key is to understand how to craft and communicate a compelling message to the appropriate target audience that generates new business and, as a result, builds profitable revenue streams.

9 Emotional Intelligence Skills

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand your own and other people’s emotions, as well as how those emotions affect a situation. “People with high EQ use self-awareness, self-regulation, and social skills to comprehend, acknowledge, and regulate their reasoning process through the use of emotions,” Glenn explains.

Individuals with high EQ are sought after by employers because they collaborate well and function effectively in a team environment. They ultimately result in a happier workplace. “Happier employees translate into better service, repeat business, and higher company profitability,” Glenn says. Emotional intelligence tests are sometimes used as part of the application process by some companies.

As businesses become more complex and interdisciplinary, the ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams becomes increasingly important to your personal and organizational success.

10 Organization Skills

Organizational skills entail more than just keeping your desk tidy, though this is a factor. On a broader scale, the organization refers to the ability to define and prioritize goals before devising a strategy to achieve them. People with strong organizational skills are more likely to be productive. They are also more likely to be good time managers and less likely to procrastinate.

Being organized also helps you to be a better team member by allowing you to stay on top of tasks and finish work on time. The better organized you are, the easier it will be to communicate ideas and solve problems with others.

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What does the butterfly effect actually mean?

According to chaos theory, The Butterfly effect refers to the creation of a large effect in the future as a result of a small event.

Mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz raised a particular question at the 139th session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The question was if a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, can the flapping of wings cause a tornado in Texas?

Many people may think Edward Lorenz is mentally ill after hearing the question. Because – firstly, a tornado cannot be caused by the flapping of a butterfly’s wings or anything else. Second, if there was a tornado, how could it be in Texas instead of Brazil! But the answer to this question may not be what we know. Tornadoes can also be caused by the flapping of a butterfly’s wings. In fact, this strange theory is called the ‘butterfly effect.

Although there is little controversy about the butterfly effect, Edward Lorenz is credited with being the first to identify the theory. Edward Lorenz was a professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a mathematician who first reported the butterfly effect.

He essentially united these two disciplines, meteorology and mathematics, and established Chaos Theory. In the 1950s he was looking for new methods for weather forecasting. Because it was very challenging to make accurate predictions in the general model. From this discovery, he discovered the butterfly effect as a new theory with the help of mathematics.

Let’s learn about this butterfly effect.

It was 1906. This is the story of a painter in Germany. One day a Jewish girl came to that painter. His picture should be given to him. So the German painter fell in love with the Jewish girl. As usual, he offers his love to the girl. Although the girl has tacit consent, the Jewish girl’s family is quite influential and will not accept this relationship in any way. Do understand! However, their love never stopped. The painter had a dog. Through that dog, letters were regularly exchanged between them. But one day the girl’s family killed the dog too. As a result, the painter was forced to give up.

Then one day for some reason an English soldier got very angry with the painter. Beat him a lot. Despite receiving orders from above to kill him, for some reason he has mercy on this painter. He doesn’t kill him anymore. He leaves.

Then came World War II. Do you know who the painter was? Adolf Hitler. Countless Jews died on Hitler’s orders in that world war. One of the greatest massacres in human history. The dark chapter of the human race. That chapter is what has tarnished the human race.

When Hitler applied for admission to the Academy of Fine Arts, he was rejected. Not once, but twice. His request was rejected by a Jewish professor at the academy.

Now come to the real thing! What if the Jewish girl’s family accepted their relationship? Mr. Hitler might have lived peacefully in a German city with that girl. Or what would have happened if the Academy had not rejected Hitler’s request? If he had not been the head of Germany, he would not have been murdered. If Hitler had been accepted by the Academy a second time, Hitler would have been established as an artist, not as a dictator Hitler.

Really radiation can give humans mutant powers like in comics?

Think again of that English soldier. If he had not shown mercy to Hitler, what would have happened? There was no such thing as Adolf Hitler. World War would not have been so terrible. So many Jews would not have died.

These small incidents could have changed the entire history of the world. Can you imagine? If these two small events had happened, the history of this world would have been different today. This is where the idea of ​​the butterfly effect comes in. A small change in one place can later be responsible for a large event elsewhere. This is known as the butterfly effect.

বাটারফ্লাই ইফেক্ট, The butterfly effect

The butterfly effect

Mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz raised a particular question at the 139th session of the ‘American Association for the Advancement of Science’. The question was if a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, can the flapping of wings cause a tornado in Texas?

Many people may think Edward Lorenz is mentally ill after hearing the question. Because – firstly, a tornado cannot be caused by the flapping of a butterfly’s wings or anything else. Second, if there was a tornado, how could it be in Texas instead of Brazil! But the answer to this question may not be what we know. Tornadoes can also be caused by the flapping of a butterfly’s wings. In fact, this strange theory is called the ‘butterfly effect

“Usually things that can change the world include nuclear bombs, crazy politicians, massive earthquakes or mass movements. But due to modern thinking, people have realized that these are actually their misconceptions. According to Chaos Theory, changes in small things or events can change the entire world. When a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon jungle, it can cause a storm in the other half of Europe.”

Basically, the butterfly effect means – no matter how small a change you make in the past, there will be a big change in your future. The author used this effect brilliantly in the book The End of Eternity. The changes that will come will be huge.

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Here are some interesting scientific facts that will exiting

Children both younger and older — are curious about nature and science is one such subject where people learn and explore, putting their minds to test and play. Fun facts about everyday life and the great mysteries of the universe always fascinate us, no matter our age.

Here are a few lesser-known interesting scientific facts that will excite and interest children and adults as they learn more about the subject:

Many of us think of clouds as light floating objects like cotton, but in reality, they are not. The size of a cloud of normal size floating in the sky is much larger than what we see with the naked eye. So its mass is much higher. The mass of such a piece of cloud is more than 100 elephants, that is about 1 million pounds!

#interesting scientific facts-2

Multiple brain animals:

If the brain measures an animal’s intelligence, then the octopus is the most intelligent animal because the number of their brains is nine! In addition, octopuses have three hearts. One is for the gills or the respiratory system only, one is centrally for everything and the other is a heart for the octopus legs only.

#interesting scientific facts-3

Nail growth:

Even if you don’t want to do anything else in winter, there is one thing you have to do, and that is to cut your nails. This is because nails grow faster in winter than in other seasons.

#interesting scientific facts-4

The most powerful creature on earth:

Bacteria are the most powerful organism on earth. Bacteria are tiny microorganisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and they are the most powerful organisms on earth! Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT ain’t for me either. So know that a bacterium is capable of carrying 100,000 times its own body weight.

#interesting scientific facts-5

Where does the most oxygen come from?

We have known since childhood that oxygen, the essential element of survival, comes from trees. In the process of photosynthesis, we survive on the oxygen produced by the tree. But now you know, that half of the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere comes from the sea? Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Phytoplankton, the tiny unicellular marine plant that lives in the oceans, is about half the amount of oxygen released into the Earth’s atmosphere.

#interesting scientific facts-6

Type of Galaxy, clusters and aggregation, Origins & Galaxy Prediction

‎Some way that you can easily study for 7-8 hours a day

Why quantum mechanics can’t explain gravity?

The number of bacteria in the human body:

You may be surprised to learn that the number of cells in your body is 10 times that of bacteria! On the way back every human being is a bacterial sanctuary! No matter how much soap, spray, handwash, or anti-germ wash you use, it is impossible to get rid of bacteria. But the funny thing is that almost all of these bacteria are good for our bodies. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. It is impossible for us to survive without them.

#interesting scientific facts-7

The time when light reaches our eyes:

The light we see in our eyes is the result of photons from the sun. After these photon particles originate in the center of the Sun, it takes about 160,000 years for the surface of the Sun to reach the surface. And it takes only 6 minutes to come to our eyes from that surface. This means that the light we see now was created inside the sun more than 200,000 years ago. And now what is being created would have to wait another two hundred thousand years to reach the earth.

#interesting scientific facts-8

The total amount of water in the oceans!

We have a total of 32 crore cubic miles of water in all the oceans of the world. This water occupies 81 percent of our world. Now if all this seawater were dried up, the amount of salt that would be left behind would mean that our continent could easily be lost 500 feet below the 6 continents. Now the way our Antarctica is covered under ice, everything will be covered under the wheels of deeper salt.

#interesting scientific facts-9

How long are the veins in the human body?

If the number of veins, sub-veins, and other blood vessels in a human body could be arranged vertically one after the other, its length would be 72,000 kilometers. This means that you can cover the whole world two and a half times only with the veins of your body.

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