intelligent and average people how motivated differently?
Intelligent people are motivated through comprehension and recognition, while average people are motivated through effort and security.
Everyone has a burning drive inside of them. For some, they need to learn from others to find it. For others, the drive comes naturally and pushes them to do great things. See what those naturally highly motivated people do differently and what they can teach us.
1. They move on
Highly motivated people don’t dwell on problems. If they mess up on a speech in public, fail a test, or do something embarrassing, they don’t try to push it away. They don’t let their mistakes stop them from achieving their goals. Instead, they look at these mistakes as nothing but simple moments in their life. They accept them, learn from them, and move to the next thing on their to-do list.
“You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on them. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” – Johnny Cash
2. They wake up early
For most people, the morning is the most productive time of the day. While the world sleeps, highly motivated people are getting things done. Distractions seem to disappear and great ideas will come fast in the early morning.
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin
3. They read…a lot
When Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were asked if they could have one superpower they answered the same thing: to be able to read faster. Highly motivated people are always learning. Reading allows one to take in the knowledge of some of the smartest people who have ever lived. Highly motivated people don’t spend much time watching reality TV – they do, however, spend their time reading. Need some books to read? Get started with this reading Here.
4. They set goals
Highly motivated people are always working for something. They know what they want, and they search for ways to achieve it. Lifehack is filled with great articles on setting goals. Check out this one and start working for something.
5. They plan
Highly intelligent motivated people don’t leave things up to chance. Planning allows people to get things done faster and better. Highly motivated people know this, and they make use of it. Start waking up and planning all the things you have to do for the day. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive you are.
6. They seek advice when needed
There will be points in everyone’s life where they just can’t do it on their own. Highly intelligent motivated people are not afraid to go out and look for help. They don’t let stubbornness keep them from reaching their goals. Oftentimes, the best resource can be a person you see every day. Help them and they’ll help you. Yes, it’s that simple.
7. They don’t set limits
Highly intelligent motivated people never stop trying. They pursue their dreams without worry. Limits don’t exist in their minds. Take a second and imagine where you want to be in 5 years. Don’t worry about how impossible it sounds. Remember, highly motivated people don’t set limits. Now write it down. A highly motivated person would hang that piece of paper up, read it every morning, and work towards it every day.
8. They are grateful
Gratefulness has been shown to improve happiness time and time again. Highly motivated people know this and they practice gratefulness all the time. It helps keep them grounded and reminds them that they also had some help. Try to write down 5 things you’re grateful for every day. It doesn’t matter if they’re big or small – just 5 things you’re grateful for.
What will you do?
As soon as an intelligent person understands something, they start to obsess over the topic and become an expert in it. If they cannot understand it, they attack it until they do or forget about it and move onto something they can comprehend better.
But due to their childhoods, constantly having succeeded were other children struggled, they have been praised throughout much of their maturing lives. They learn that this recognition is part of their identity, and continue to strive for it into their adulthood.
Average people, on the other hand, only get praised when they have tried hard at something. This encourages them to put effort into things for their motivation. At the same time, they are rarely told to take risks: they are told to go to college, get a job, get married, and retire when they’re 66.
They prefer the safe kind of life rather than one that could be interesting, and that usually is what makes them average.